The last few weeks of school are coming to an end - what are the kids going to do? Our weekly programs encourage our campers to learn new skills, make new friends, and exercise their creative play! All camps are fully supervised and led by trained kids camp leaders with safety protocols in place to ensure everyone’s safety. Register now for a summer break full of fun.
With the safety of the children and staff as our top priority, we have special health and safety measures in place for our summer programs for kids.
Exterior pick up/drop off for all kids
Daily health screening in the morning for all kid campers
Kid campers that come to Kidtropolis with symptoms of illness will be asked to be picked up to go home
All Kid Campers are welcome to wear masks during our kids summer camps if that is thier preference.
Kid Camp leaders will enforce regular hand hygiene, especially before and after meals and remind Kid Campers to cover their mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing
No sharing of food between kids
Kid Camp leaders will monitor physical distancing and take kid campers to Kidtropolis City play floor only during periods when we can ensure capacity limitations can be followed
Kid Camp leaders will perform regular cleaning intervals on high-touch points
9:00am to 4:00pm
Ages 6 to 10 Years Old
*Week 1 is a 4-Day Camp, no camp on Mon Jul 1st.
*Week 4 is a 4-Day Camp, no camp on BC Day.
* Activities and schedule are subject to change based on weather conditions and enrollment.
• 5 Day Camps: $ 315 + GST
• 4 Day Camps: $ 252 + GST
• Single Days: $ 70 + GST per day
* Book online or call in and a team member can assist with registration

Meal Options
Add a hot lunch and two healthy snack meal options from our Munchies’ Café.
• For 5 Day Camps: $80 (+GST)
• For 4 Day Camps: $65 (+GST)
• For Single Days: $17.50 (+GST)

For any questions or inquiries, please contact info@kidtropolis.ca via email.
*For registered campers: please make sure to complete and submit the registration waiver and emergency consent information before the start of camp.
A link for the online form will also be sent prior to the start of camp.
What is the age requirement for kid camp registration?
Minimum Kid Camp age requirement is 6 years old. Kidtropolis Kid Camps use birth year for camp registrations. So if the child is turning 6 years old in the year that the camp will start, they can register.
What do Kid Campers need to bring to camp?
Campers are asked to dress comfortably with casual, loose clothes appropriate for play. Please remember to wear socks as they are required for playing on our jungle gym!
Campers should bring a bottle of water, lunch and two (2) nut free snacks for break time. Kidtropolis will have a meal option that campers can opt into for an additional fee ($). Please do not send money with your children to Kid Camp.
Is there a lost and found for items lost while attending Kid Camp?
Yes, contact our Front Desk customer service team at 604-285-7529 and they will try to assist in locating the lost item. We recommend clearly labelling all personal items with the Kid Camper’s name so they are identifiable. Food and perishable items are disposed of daily. Any items not claimed are donated to charity regularly.
Can children attend camps if they have a disability and/or might require additional adult support?
We welcome all age appropriate children to sign up for our camps, however due to our ratio requirements, we are not able to provide one-on-one care to an individual child. Kid Campers must be able to participate in all group activities independently. Children that have their own Behavioural Assistant (BA) are welcome to have their BA accompany them for no additional fee. We understand that some children with specific challenges or needs may not experience optimal fulfillment in our Kid Camp programs due to the program's structure and the support available. While we strive for inclusivity, we acknowledge that our current offerings may not fully accommodate all individual circumstances.
Parents and caregivers are encouraged, ahead of registration, to enquire or discuss with staff if Kidtropolis Kid Camp would be suitable for their child.
Can children be dropped off after camp starts or picked up early before camp ends?
Each week our camps are fully planned out with fun activities throughout the day! Please let our Kid Camp Leaders know the day before if your child will be late due to pre-planned conflicts or email info@kidtropolis.ca in the morning before Kid Camp begins. If the Kid Campers are off premise on a planned Out Trip, it will be the responsibility of the caregiver to drop their child off at the external location as Kidtropolis will not be able to provide 1:1 care for that child while the group is away.
Without advance notice, we are not able to accommodate early pickups as it may be disruptive to Kid Campers and Leaders depending on the planned activities they are engaged in at that time. Please notify Kid Camp Leaders at morning drop-off if they have pre-planned appointments that require an early pick up.
Can a child’s lunch be dropped off at the designated lunchtime?
We prefer that snacks and lunch are packed with the Kid Campers at the time of morning drop-off in the event the group decides to go to a nearby park for snack time or lunch or if the schedule needs to be changed and our regular lunch time is slightly moved accordingly.
What happens if my child becomes sick and/or cannot attend camp?
There are no makeup times or credit for missed camp days. For the health and safety of everyone, if your child is feeling unwell, please keep them at home to rest and recover.
If your child becomes sick at camp, caregivers will be contacted for pick up.
- Kidtropolis will be open 5 minutes before the camp is to commence. Parents are responsible for picking up the campers on time. Late fees will apply at a rate of $10 for the first 10 minutes or increment thereof and $1 for each additional minute.
Cancellation Policy For Camps:
- Payments are non-refundable at any time.
- There are no make-up times for summer camps.
- Should Kidtropolis need to cancel a summer day camp, all campers will be notified in advance as much as possible and full refunds issued.
Photographic Material:
- Kidtropolis reserves the right to use photographic material for advertising and promotional purposes. If you do not want your child, yourself or a family member photographed, please let us know on the first day.
- All camps can be booked via our online website, over the phone or in person. Please provide your credit card number and expiry date to confirm the registration(s). The cost as outlined on the website plus tax will be charged to this card.
- We accept Visa and MasterCard only for online registrations. Payment must be received at time of booking. Cash payments and Debit can be made at Kidtropolis in person.