PK Beans’ Own Traci Costa’s Love of Play
Introduction from Ginny Lam
As plans for Kidtropolis started to take shape and evolve, I knew that it was imperative that we seek like minded individuals who shared our philosophy and truly believed in the power of play. Through the 6 years we have been operating we have attracted the attention of some highly successful and like minded business people. Ahem...I like to think birds of a feather tend to stick together! It also is incredibly empowering that as female entrepreneurs that we continue to uplift and support one another. Which is why we love partnering with boss ladies like Traci Costa, who is the Founder and CEO of PK Beans. Here’s her personal story about why the power of play is so important to her and why she is aligned with The World of Kidtropolis.
Traci’s Story
Traci Costa, Founder and CEO of PK Beans
When I walked into Kidtropolis for the first time, I literally transformed back into my five year old self in preschool, playing house. Me and my toothless smile, my cute pixie style hair cut and gingham dress with a fabulously large, well appointed white drapey bow around my neck.
There are few memories that I have retained over my 50 years around the sun, but “playing” as a child is one that I do remember fondly. As I reflect, I truly believe it was like mini therapy for me. As my parents divorced, I experienced heartache, anger, sadness, and confusion. I felt for them individually as they both had big emotions, that I simply didn’t know what to do with, I felt helpless and ineffective. As both my parents started to establish new relationships, my brother and I were trying to find our place in this new normal, would their new partners like me, would my parents still love me, where was my place in the new families with new siblings. Then later on as my mother battled her way through drug and alcohol addiction I was lost. As a self proclaimed empath now in my life, I can only imagine how gut wrenching this must have felt for me - the tiny unknowing empath. I lost myself in play, particularly role playing. Whether finding adults or other kids in my life that would play house, school, detective agency or store with me. I often sought out adults to role play with me rather than other children my age because I felt more in control with the dialogue (ie. I couldn’t boss other kids around!).
I also LOVED to go pick wildflowers in the forest at my grandparents cottage for hours - the colours, the shapes and the smells are some of my fondest memories! I became a florist in those moments or I would tend to their vegetable garden and started my own pretend farmers market. I would sew or knit through the patient teachings of my Nana and I would sing “Tainted Love” at the top of my lungs on the swing my granddad lovingly macgyvered for me out of two tree trunks.
I guess this is what propelled me to start my business @pkbeanskids and design clothes for playful living 15 years ago. I could go into the thousands of scientific research why play is imperative to a child’s life (like water, air and healthy nutrition) but I won’t. I simply will tell you from my own personal experience, and why it matters that I remind you of this in your own life is because we are a generation that is busier than ever and more distracted than ever. We are a generation more over scheduled than ever. We are a generation more attached to our digital devices and dictated emotionally than ever. It’s just a fact.
If you see your kids getting frustrated. If you see them acting out. If you can’t connect with them for the life of you. If you are on the edge of your own emotions – GO PLAY. If you’re lucky enough to live near a Kidtropolis, GO THERE IMMEDIATELY!! Think of it as fun therapy for kids and adults alike. The set up is perfect for kids to act out their emotions, provide some much needed escapism through every facet of the tiny town and life they have created for you! But also pay attention to what they tell you in their play. You will find everything you need to know. You’d be pleasantly surprised at how play will inspire a child’s natural curiosity and enable them to play carefree and naturally. If you don’t have a Kidtropolis near you, find a way and space to allow for play and for only 30 minutes a day let your child dictate the play, let them be the boss of you. I’m telling you - I promise you it works.
Oh and while you’re at it I have some incredibly comfy clothes to make play cosy! Styles starting as low as $5 $10 $ 15. I’m telling you once you go beans you never go back (it’s true) Check out our warehouse event online now! Here.