Yana Demenko and her family were one of 15 refugee families who attended Richmond’s Kidtropolis fundraiser to support Ukrainian refugees in Canada this past weekend.
Read MorePresident and CEO Ginny Lam says the news of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the ongoing humanitarian crisis left her sad and angry. Then, she says she felt compelled to do something to try and help.
Read MoreChildren are a gift to us, and it’s natural to want them to know only happiness. Unfortunately, there may be challenges to that. If you suspect your child may be suffering from anxiety, don’t panic. There are steps you can take to help them overcome it and feel more joyful.
Read MoreWhen people think about self-care, they tend to focus on adults. However, children can benefit from self-care, too. In Canada, around 33 percent of children experience stress-related symptoms – like headaches or stomach distress – weekly. Twenty-seven percent report feeling hopeless or sad for long periods, too.
Read MoreAs provincial restrictions continue to loosen and kids are getting vaccinated, indoor facilities for play and education are getting ready to welcome back eager families.
Read MorePrint out Kidtropolis’ September Colouring Contest Sheet for some hands-on arts & craft time with your little ones. Bring it into Kidtropolis to display on our wall, and you will be entered for a chance to win our monthly prize!
Read MoreAs parents of 3 boys, the end of August brings on new challenges and stresses that can have us asking where do we even start? The sun is setting sooner and the mornings are getting crisper. Summer is over and now it’s time to send the kids back to school. Our to do lists are never ending, thinking about the 3 red duotangs we need and that new pair of indoor shoes and the dentist check ups and haircuts that all need to be done!
Read MoreChristine Pilkington, CEO and founder of Vancouvermom.ca gave her top pandemic-friendly Canada Day activities to CTV. The good news is these activities take place all summer long.. Kidtropolis is part of that list!
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